Miscellaneous VR course projects

VR Ping Pong

This was a sample project I designed for CSCI 5619 Virtual Reality and 3D Interaction at UMN when I TAed for the course. The goal of the project was to learn the basics of VR development in Unity. Specifically, the project required the students to import the assets I provided into Unity, set up the scene and the physics correctly, and write simple scripts to allow throwing the ball with the nondominant hand, and the ping pong server machine serving the ball automatically. The students also need to set up continuous collision detection to avoid the ball penetrating the racket.

Beat Saber

This is a combination of “Beat Saber” and shooter gameplay.
The player needs to cut the cubes using the light saber in the specify directions in order to destroy them. The light saber can be toggled on and off. While the saber is toggled off, the controllers can be used as guns to fire at the cubes. Particles and sound effects are included.
If you have a VR device that supports WebXR, you can try out the demo.


Music: Hyperspace - Lightyears Away

World in Miniature

Worlds in Miniature (WIM) is a classical 3D interaction technique, where users interact with objects in the scene by manipulating a miniature copy of the scene. The original paper of WIM can be found here.
In this project, users can manipulate not only objects but also their viewport position by moving their HMD representation (a cube) in the miniature scene. They can also use ray casting technique to directly manipulate the distant objects in the original scene.
You can try the demo from the brower on your own VR device.

VR Escape Room

This is the presentation of a VR escape room game developed in Babylon.js. The game features a variety of navigation, selection, and manipulation, and system control techniques, including teleportation, walking in place, dual-point vertical travel (climbing), grabbing, remote inspection (adapted Voodoo Dolls), remote manipulation (adapted HOMER), etc.
To try out the game on your device, please follow this link. Please refer to this doc for controls.

Statement: If no specific statement in the content, the copyright belongs to Yuxuan Huang . Reprint please indicate the link of this article.

(The content is authorized with CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 protocol)

Title:《 VR Demos 》


The last update of this article was days ago, so it may be outdated!