Physical animation programs and rendering in several languages/software

OpenGL Animations

These were my OpenGL rewrote of animation course projects (originally written in processing) with improved performance and additional features.

Fluid Simulation

This is a demo of fluid simulation based on 1D and 2D shallow water equations. Users can add perturbations to different locations on the water surface. Different types of boundary conditions are demonsrated in the sims.

Cloth Simulation

This is a simulation of a piece of hanging cloth implemented based on Hooke’s Law. The cloth is textured with a University of Minnesota logo, and can react to collision and aerodynamic forces. Users can interact with the cloth by hitting it with the sphere or controlling the speed and direction of the wind.

Firework Simulation

This is a particle-based firework simulation with user-controlled camera. Multiple fireworks are launched asynchronously in the sim. The particles are rendered as spheres.

Water Simulation

This is a particle-based water simulation with a user-controlled camera, real-time user interactions (grabbing and releasing the sphere and use it to interact with the water), and adaptive particle size (the particles are rendered as glPoints, but their sizes change based on their distance to the camera)

Fire Simulation

This is a particle-based fire simulation with basically the same features as the previous simulation. The only difference is the way the particles update and the change of their color during the updates.

Source Code

The source code of all the simulations is available here.

Blender Animations

I also tried the physics simulation in Blender to produce results with higher visual fidelity.

Blender Fluid Simulation

Blender Cloth and Rigidbody Simulation

Processing Animations

These were my original animation course projects written in processing.

Processing Particle Systems

Processing Cloth Simulation

Processing Fluid Simulation

Statement: If no specific statement in the content, the copyright belongs to Yuxuan Huang . Reprint please indicate the link of this article.

(The content is authorized with CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 protocol)

Title:《 Animation Projects 》


The last update of this article was days ago, so it may be outdated!