Modeling the neighborhood where I grew up in Sketchup and rendering it in Unity


In April 2020, a major reconstruction program was ongoing in the neighborhood where I grew up, so I decided to salvage my childhood memory by bringing the area into Unity before they were destructed. The result was a first person experience where you can explore around the area and switch between 3 different time periods between 2013 and 2020.


The buildings and infrastructures were modeled in Sketchup. The textures were real-world photos I took around the area.

Some of the buildings and infrastructures

I tried my best to reconstruct the area as accurate as possible. The ground tiles, storefronts, vegetations, road markings, and other details were faithful to the reality.

8 different ground tiles were used

90+ stores and restaurants in this area

Every tree has their real-world counterpart

Road markings and more details

Unity Development

I implemented first-person camera control and included a menu that allows the player to switch between different time periods for the user to see what changes have taken place in this area over the years.

You can download the project here.


3D warehouse tree models used in this project: Adonidia Palm, tree-2, Low Polygon Tree, and Christmas Palm Tree.

Statement: If no specific statement in the content, the copyright belongs to Yuxuan Huang . Reprint please indicate the link of this article.

(The content is authorized with CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 protocol)

Title:《 Virtual Jingtian Shenzhen (深圳景田) 》


The last update of this article was days ago, so it may be outdated!