Slender West Lake Scenes modeled in Blender and rendered in UE5


I was very impressed during my visit to Slender West Lake in Yangzhou, China, in April 2023, so I decided to build digital replicas of several attractions. These include 五亭桥(Lotus Bridge), 钓鱼台,醉月飞琼,长堤春柳,白塔晴云(White Tower),二十四桥(Twenty Four Bridge),春台明月. I also included animated 画舫 (decorated boat) you can find all around the scenic area, and a snippet of a drone show in the theme of the Chinese Valentine’s Day.


All architecture were modeled by myself in Blender, referencing photos my friends and I took and images found online.
The models were imported into Unreal Engine 5.2 to be textured. The materials were mostly from the Quixel Megascans library, except for certain parts with texts where I used photos as albedo and set up other PBR channels manually in Gimp.
The virtual scenes were set up using the landscape and foliage tools. The different time of day and rainy effects were achieved using the default atmospheric system, and the “Animated Rain” addon by CemTezcan, respectively. The water foam generated by boat movement were simulated with Niagara particle systems.
The animation and rendering were done using the Unreal Engine sequencer.

五亭桥(Lotus Bridge) 钓鱼台 熙春台 二十四桥画坊 长堤春柳 醉月飞琼 白塔(White Tower) 二十四桥(Twenty-four Bridge)


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Statement: If no specific statement in the content, the copyright belongs to Yuxuan Huang . Reprint please indicate the link of this article.

(The content is authorized with CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 protocol)

Title:《 Virtual Slender West Lake (瘦西湖) 》


The last update of this article was days ago, so it may be outdated!